俄亥俄县的地理位置使其人口接近400人,000多人,近200人,000名工人. Our tremendous location between two major intersecting highways plus available rail infrastructure allows for an easy commute between Owensboro and Bowling Green. 可以使用我们庞大的bbingamezone官网, 还有我们的基础设施优势, 难怪在这么多职业中,我们的毕业生都超过了全国平均水平!
- 方便前往I-69 & I-165
- 2倍于制造业bbingamezone官网 与全国平均水平相比
- 是全国平均水平的15倍 作为浇注者和施法者的人,金属
- 是全国平均水平的8倍 作为金属炼钢炉操作员和投标者的人数
- 是全国平均水平的4倍 被雇用为焊工的人数
庞大的州际基础设施 & 获得人才
俄亥俄县的地理位置给了我们高技术的bbingamezone官网. Our location and interstate access provide us with high concentration of skilled workers that can’t be beat as you will see below.
- 是全国平均水平的15倍
- 是全国平均水平的8倍 作为金属炼钢炉操作员和投标者的人数
- 是全国平均水平的7倍
- 是全国平均水平的7倍
- 是全国平均水平的5倍, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 5 times the national average of people employed as Loading and Moving Machine 运营商, 地下采矿
- 5 times the national average of people employed as Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 是全国平均水平的5倍, 冲, 和压力机设置, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 是全国平均水平的4倍, 焊接, 和钎焊机设置, 运营商, 与投标
- 是全国平均水平的4倍 of people employed as Milling and Planing Machine Setters, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 是全国平均水平的4倍
- 是全国平均水平的4倍, 窑, 烤箱, 干燥机, 以及水壶操作员和投标者
- 是全国平均水平的3倍, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 是全国屠宰和肉类包装工人平均人数的三倍
- 是全国平均水平的3倍, 运营商, 与投标
- 是全国平均就业人数的3倍, 制芯, 和铸造机设置, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 3 times the national average of people employed as Patternmakers, 金属和塑料
- 3 times the national average of people employed as Continuous Mining Machine 运营商
- 是全国平均水平的三倍
- 3 times the national average of people employed as Adhesive Bonding Machine 运营商 与投标
- 是全国平均保洁人数的三倍, 洗, 和金属酸洗设备操作员和投标
- 是全国平均水平的三倍, 运营商, 与投标, 木
- 是全国平均水平的三倍
- 三倍于全国平均水平的采石场工人
- 3 times the national average of people employed as Food Processing Workers, 所有其他的
- 3 times the national average of people employed as Chemical Equipment 运营商 与投标
- 3 times the national average of people employed as ndustrial Machinery Mechanics
- 3 times the national average of people employed as Maintenance Workers, Machinery
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Farm Equipment Mechanics and Service Technicians
- 是全国平均水平的两倍, 运营商, 与投标, 除了锯
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Packaging and Filling Machine 运营商 与投标
- 是全国平均水平的两倍, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 是全国平均水平的两倍
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Meat, Poultry, and Fish Cutters and Trimmers
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Plant and System 运营商, 所有其他的
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Cutting and Slicing Machine Setters, 运营商, 与投标
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Tool Grinders, Filers, and Sharpeners
- 是全国平均水平的2倍, 形成, 紧迫的, 和压实机设置, 运营商, 与投标
- 两倍于全国平均水平的帮工——生产工人
- 2 times the national average of people employed as First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating Workers
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Heat Treating Equipment Setters, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 是全国平均水平的2倍, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Food Cooking Machine 运营商 与投标
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Cooling and Freezing Equipment 运营商 与投标
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Power Distributors and Dispatchers
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Engine and Other Machine Assemblers
- 2 times the national average of people employed as 地下采矿 Machine 运营商 and Extraction Workers, 所有其他的
- 是全国平均水平的两倍
- 压榨工人人数是全国平均水平的两倍, 磨, 抛光机设置器, 运营商, 与投标
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Excavating and Loading Machine and Dragline 运营商, 地表采矿
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 是全国平均水平的两倍, 测试人员, 分类器, 取样器, 和秤
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Mixing and Blending Machine Setters, 运营商, 与投标
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Conveyor 运营商 与投标
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Metal Workers and Plastic Workers, 所有其他的
- 是全国平均失业人数的两倍, 过滤, 澄清, 沉淀, 和静止机器设置, 运营商, 与投标
- 是全国平均就业人数的2倍, 绘画, 和喷涂机设置, 运营商, 与投标
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Assemblers and Fabricators, 所有其他的
- 是全国平均水平的两倍, 研磨, 抛光, 抛光机床设置器, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 是全国食品和烟草烘焙行业平均就业人数的两倍, 烘焙, 烘干机操作员和投标者
- 是全国材料工程师平均人数的两倍
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Industrial Engineering Technologists and Technicians
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System 运营商
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Chemical Plant and System 运营商
- 是全国平均水平的两倍,手
- 2 times the national average of people employed as Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers
- 是全国工业工程师平均人数的两倍
- 64% growth in Textile Knitting and Weaving Machine Setters, 运营商, 与投标
- 50% growth in Textile Winding, Twisting, and Drawing Out Machine Setters, 运营商, 与投标
- 飞机货物处理主管增长36%
- 分离业务增长27%, 过滤, 澄清, 沉淀, 和静止机器设置, 运营商, 与投标
- 26% growth in Multiple Machine Tool Setters, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 在电镀机设置,操作员,招标,金属和塑料25%的增长
- 采石场碎石机增长23%
- 挤出和成型设备增长23%, 运营商, 与投标, 合成纤维和玻璃纤维
- 计算机数控工具程序员增长21%
- 20% growth in Aerospace Engineering and Operations Technologists and Technicians
- 工业工程师增长18%
- 轧辊机设置、操作、投标、金属和塑料行业增长17%
- 化学设备操作员和招标商增长15%
- 发动机及其它机械装配业务增长13%
- 机械工程师增长12%
- 食品配料机增长10%
- 电气类增长8%, 电子, 和机电装配工, 绕线机除外, 蜡烛, 和终结者
- 计算机数控刀具操作员增长8%
- 团队装配员增长8%
- 检验员、测试员、分拣员、取样员和称重员增长8%
- 机械工程技术人员和技术员增长8%
- 轻型卡车司机增长8%
- 天然气工厂运营商增长8%
- 工业机械机械行业增长7%
- 纸品机器设置、操作和投标增长7%
- 材料工程师增长7%
- 纺织切割机设置商、操作员和招标商增长7%
- 6% growth in Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers
- 飞机结构,表面,索具和系统组装增长6%
- bbingamezone官网、货运、库存和物料搬运工增长6%
- 工厂和系统操作员(所有其他)增长6%
- 5% growth in Coating, 绘画, 和喷涂机设置, 运营商, 与投标
- 库存和订单填充增长5%
Our region has a notable strength in our quantity of production and support labor. Here is a sampling of production and support occupations with at least 500+ employed.
- 4,261人受雇为劳工、货运、库存和物料搬运工
- 雇用3,093人担任库存和订单填写员
- 2,851人受雇为团队装配员
- 2,676人被雇用为重型和拖拉机拖车司机
- 1,965人受雇为维修工人
- 1713人受雇为建筑工人
- 一线生产经营工人主管1466人
- 1227人被聘为检验员、测试员、分拣员、抽样员和称重员
- 1165人受雇为工业机械修理工
- 1,079人受雇为工业卡车及拖拉机操作员
- 1077人受雇为轻型卡车司机
- 1,061人受雇为包装及灌装机操作员及投标
- 1010人受雇为电工
- 992被雇用为切割, 冲, 和压力机设置, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 980人受雇担任包装工和包装工
- 694人被聘为焊工、切割工、焊工和钎焊工
- 594人被雇佣为帮工——生产工人
- 581人受雇为机械师
- 567被用作模塑, 制芯, 和铸造机设置, 运营商, 与投标, 金属和塑料
- 564 employed as First-Line Supervisors of 运输 and Material Moving Workers
- 532人受雇为工业工程师